Adapting to changing times - Effects of Covid-19
The Covid 19 pandemic has caused unprecedented damage to our world & has changed our lives significantly. As we come to terms with the new normal let us look at how we at Aesthetix have adopted to these times. As a safety measure our clinic remained closed through most of March and throughout April and May. While most were busy making Dalgona Coffee & learning yoga we were working hard to set up additional protocols for your safety at Aesthetix Dental Clinic so that we will be ready to reopen. We went through multiple drills so every member of our team was well versed with the protocols. Our stepwise screening process ensures that your visit will be hassle free & completely safe. Our screening starts with a health survey via a telephonic conversation carried out by our receptionist.
Each operatory is kept empty for 45 minutes after each patient procedure just so we can clean and disinfect efficiently. We’re sharing with you our practices to ensure the safety of our patients and staff.
Sodium hypochlorite - Potent disinfectant for surfaces, suction lines, spitoons and floors.
Nano-particles infused alcohol based disinfectant - Used for Dental chairs and their apparatus.
Povidone Iodine - Provides Antiseptic action, used as a gargle.
Alcohol based hand sanitizers (more that 70% alcohol concentration)
We’re also using state of the art equipments to purify the environment of our dental clinic. As Covid-19 principally bears a droplet transmission, we have in place air purifiers and good ventilation systems to minimize risk of transmission.
These are air purifiers that act by generating negatively charged ions at approximately hundred millions per second of emission rate which form clusters around positively charged microparticles such as airborne mold, corona or influenza viruses, mite allergens, bacteria and render them inactive through a chemical reaction.
This filter has an innovative sensor that detects fine particulate matter as well as viruses and helps remove them leaving the room with clean, fresh air.
This machine uses an environment-friendly, non-toxic broad spectrum disinfectant and kills bacteria, viruses and fungi by percolating through air and settling on surfaces. The room is kept closed til the fumigator disinfects it.
We have always maintained the highest standards of sterilization because our patients’ safety is our utmost priority. Here, we’re sharing with you a peek into our sterilization process, so you know the different steps in which each instrument is cleaned before it reaches your treatment tray.
With sterilization we need accuracy and reliability so we trust only the gold standard Class B autclave that runs a vacuum cycle along with steam sterilization to ensure that the steam can settle well on the instruments and thoroughly rid them of bacteria, viruses or other pathogens.
Here’s a peek into the clinic sanitation protocol we follow along with the journey you would experience coming to us as patients.
With the uncertainty all around because of the Covid-19, we strive everyday to make dental treatment safe for you and your doctors and all ancillary staff. We hope this insight into the precautionary measures reduces your anxiety about vising our practice. We look forward to treating you soon.