How to take care of your teeth?
Taking care of your oral hygiene should be a priority because teeth not only help you chew and digest food but also play an important role in speech, swallowing and health related quality of life. Just imagine not being able to smile or pronounce properly, all because of decayed or missing teeth? Seems unbelievable but it can happen so here we’re sharing some simple tips that if you incorporate in your day to day life, it will surely help protect you from severe pain and discomfort arising from teeth.
Brushing twice day is hardly overrated, this simple habit will take you a long way when you want to maintain your oral hygiene! Most people know this but hardly incorporate it as a habit in their daily life. Every time you eat a layer of plaque forms on the tooth surface and this becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, and the only way to get rid of plaque is by mechanically cleaning it out, hence brushing twice a day is a must!
Flossing helps reach those areas of your teeth that aren’t often cleaned well with a tooth brush. Did you know maximum number of cavities happen on the contact surfaces of teeth that are adjacent to each other? Flossing not only helps clean these difficult to reach areas of the tooth but also help clean the area around the gums so you basically get two benefits in one go! So, floss once a day, every day!
Plaques are good only when you win them and get to showcase them! Not all plaques are good though, especially the one that help hoard a ton of bacteria. You now know dental plaque, when not cleaned regularly paves the way for cavities. Similar build ups on the tongue act in the same way and have an added component of foul odour as well. So a new habit is in order. Clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth, that way you don’t have to remember to do it separately!
A routine dental check up not only ensures a professional cleaning of the teeth and gums but if there’s any new problem developing, it gives you an opportunity to nip that problem in the bud. When you routinely visit your dentist they keep records of your regular follow ups and can track your dental needs better!
Tobacco chewing and/or cigarette smoking cause a multitude of problems ranging from decreased salivation, gum disease, increased staining of teeth and deposition of tartar. It also causes early mobility of teeth by reducing the bone supporting the teeth leading to early tooth loss. It also causes leukoplakia which is a whitish discolouration seen on the cheeks and gums and marks the early stages of oral cancer. Enough said, avoid tobacco in all forms if you want to have good oral health.
Processed food is almost always more agreeable to the taste buds but it’s most likely because of the high sugar and carbohydrate content present in them. The same two ingredients are also trouble for teeth because they increase the development of plaque and create an acidic environment causing demineralization of teeth and thereby making them prone to decay. Fibrous foods on the other hand act as natural cleansers and also increase salivary flow that acts not only to wash out food remnants from the mouth but also neutralizes the acid formed by sugary and starchy foods. So consciously make the change to a healthier diet and keep your teeth fit!
Taking care of your oral hygiene helps you digest better, smile better and feel better about yourself. Choose to take care of your teeth everyday and keep watching this space for more info on techniques of cleaning your teeth and gums!