Root Canal Treatment - Endodontics
Root canal treatment is also called endodontic treatment where ‘endo’ stands for within or inside and ‘dontic’ stands for tooth. It involves the treatment of infected dental pulp which is the vital portion of the tooth that contains the blood vessels and nerves. Infection of the pulp passes through the roots and may lead to infection of the bone that holds the tooth and hence this infected dental pulp is removed and the root canals are cleaned, shaped and filled with an inert material.
Some commonly asked questions about Root canal treatment
How long does root canal treatment take?
Root canal treatment duration is subjective to the amount of infection and its healing time. Generally, root canal treatments are completed in about 3 sittings. Some teeth which are severely infected may require a greater number of sittings to ensure complete healing of the infection.
Is root canal treatment painful?
Root canal treatment is a routine procedure that is carried out under local anaesthesia. Once the tooth in question has been numbed there is no pain during the procedure. Some infected sites may remain painful until the infection is completely removed.
What is re-root canal treatment?
Sometimes you may find that a tooth which was previously root canal treated has again started hurting. Sometimes these teeth may be asymptomatic but may show a focus of infection that can be identified on a radiograph (x-ray). This recurrence of infection may be caused due to incomplete healing of the previous infection. Luckily, we can save this tooth by re-treating it.